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WZF Series Hlgh-effiiciency Man-gravity Double Shafts Blade Mixer

WZFnoon-gravity double shaIts blade mixe r is imp roved by ou r…party 0n the base oftraditional mixer for dry mixed mortar Specification
1 High speed r0tating fly has the function of fiber quickly dispersion
2 Air ph rase ba ance device mixed mo re unifottoly
3 Combined blades st ructu re g reatly teduce maintenance cost
4 Big open the door materials reduced mixing dead area and unloaded more clean and more quickly

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Add: Haian Industrial Park ,Nantong City,Jiangsu Province,China Tel: 0086-0513-88800288  Fax:0086-513-88808688   Post: 226600
Website:www.yuan-xun.com E-mail:yuanxun@chinese666.com